
Agile Software Development: A Modern Approach to Building Software

Legacy workflows are criticized for being unable to keep up with the rapidly shifting requirements and nimbleness inherent in today's fast-paced software world. Agile software development emerged as a revolutionary technique that has changed the way in which software is created and delivered. This blog covers the basics of agile software development and gives its advantages over traditional methods.

What is Agile Software Development?

Agile Software development in short is a process that was created to ensure the software development team delivers high quality, dynamic and Responsive products with consistent iteration. Agile began flowing out of the Agile Manifesto written in 2001 by a group from software development that included its signers who were some of the most experienced developers at building custom software.

The Agile Manifesto

There are four values at the heart of The Agile Manifesto:

1) People and interactions before process and tools

2) Working software is prioritized over comprehensive documentation

3) Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

4) Responding to change over following a plan

Core Principles of Agile Development

There are twelve principles in Agile development practice, which summarize a programming team's best method of delivering high-quality software. Some of them are:

1) Customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery

2) Welcome changing requirements: even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.

3) Continuous delivery of software that works

4) Business stakeholders collaborating with developers

5) Motivated individuals and teams

6) Communication in person: The fastest and clearest way to get an idea across inside a development team.

7) Sustainable development: The ability to maintain a constant pace, indefinitely.

The advantages of Agile software development.

We have many of the better things to say about Agile in comparison with conventional software development methodologies

Increased Flexibility

The iterative approach of Agile allows for this kind of change so developers can adjust the product based on customer feedback and changing requirements, ensuring that the final product meets the evolving needs of users.

Improved Product Quality

Regular Testing and CI process of agile will help in finding out the bugs earlier which ultimately gives us a stronger product to build.

Improved Customer Experience

Regular communication and collaboration with customers keep them involved and informed, leading to higher satisfaction and a product that better aligns with their expectations.

Faster Time-to-Market

Agile's incremental approach enables teams to deliver functional software more quickly, allowing businesses to respond to market demands and opportunities faster.

Agile vs. Traditional (Plan-Driven) Software Development

Waterfall Model

Waterfall model: Waterfall is a processed based linear and sequential approach which flows from top to bottom. Each phase of waterfall must be completed before the next begins. Although this methodology comes with a very strong structure and documentation, it doesn't leave room for adaptability since the integration of new requirements is not optimal.

Agile Model

While, in contrast, Agile has an iterative and incremental approach which emphasizes customer collaboration, adaptability and most importantly rapid delivery. Teams that work in agile operate in short cycles called "sprints" which can be anywhere from a few days ideally up to 4 weeks. This opens the door to immediate feedback and iterations.

Popular Agile Frameworks


Scrum - Scrum is one of the most used agile frameworks that helps to focus on teamwork, accountability and iterative progress towards a well-defined goal. Scrum teams are built to operate in sprints however, they should have completed daily standup meetings, sprint planning and review.


Kanban is about visualizing work, limiting work in progress and increasing flow. This application leverages a Kanban board to track work and keep the flow steady.

Extreme Programming (XP)

XP - XP is an agile framework that focuses on technical craftsmanship and collective ownership. Key practices include pair programming, test-driven development, and frequent releases.

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